Corporate Wellness Program


Why Corporate Wellness?

TADO 明白到員工是每間公司最重要的財產,能讓員工們保持健康快樂及工作與生活的平衡,身心靈健康是達至成功的關鍵。

TADO understands that employees are the most valuable asset of the company. We aim to maintain employees' wellness by offering a space for leisure activities - a "Day Off" from daily routine. 


Wellness= Motivation?


Corporates usually focus on employees' physical wellness rather than mental healthiness. Many employees might have put their interests at the back of their mind when focusing on their career, or that they lose the interest in interacting with the others. If an employee lacks the standard of living, how do you expect him to fight with you? 

TADO Corporate Wellness Program

 TADO Corporate wellness

TADO Empowerment

TADO Corporate Wellness Program 的目標是創建一個解決方案,讓員工在工作取得平衡。我們非常重視員工健康的教育和培訓。Corporate Wellness Program 有助於教育員工在生活上養成健康習慣及生活的平衡。我們的目標是讓員工學習新的技能和知識,找尋成功感,使他們能夠擁有更多技能。

我們了解一個良好企業健康計劃是必需要根據不同企業的需要而量身策劃。我們的團隊將根據您的要求及需要為您的企業策劃最合適的Wellness Program。


The aim of an TADO Corporate Wellness Program is to create a solution that engrains a dynamic approach to health in the workplace.

We put a large emphasis on education and training designed to to improve lifestyle. TADO Corporate Wellness programs aims to empower every employee with a new set of skills and knowledge that enables them to help themselves.

We recognise that all businesses are different, so we develop dynamic programs that align with specific and changing needs.